Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the most unusual money making reveal at

You can profit from our proven systems even if you are 
a newbie
unmotivated and have no clue...

Just "copy and paste" the exact systems, templates and campaigns we give you to start banking massive paydays every month!

These are only two of our most profitable niches, we do not want to give away too much here in the public. They are for members eyes only!

Our systems are designed to not only generate you sales but also build you a list of loyal subscribers from scratch!
To profit from these little known money makers...
You DO NOT require "Education" Any one who can simply copy and paste can profit from our profit pulling systems and campaigns.
You DO NOT require "Luck"The campaigns we are handing you today are proven to work time and again. Luck is not a factor...
You DO NOT require "Talent" - We will give you everything you need to start making money. You do not need to do anything new.
You DO NOT require "Youth" - Our systems can be used and understood by any one regardless of age, gender or sex!
You DO NOT require "Experience" - You can profit from our systems even if you are a complete newbie. It's as easy as copy, paste and replicate!
So, what is required...? Belief. Enough to absorb what we will show you. Enough to put the principles in action.

If you do that - nothing more, nothing less - the results will be hard to believe. Just remember you learnt it here, and share it with others!
You're about to find out how anyone can achieve similar results as shown above by just copying our already successful money pulling systemssoftwaretemplates, and campaigns!

Read every single word below because this thing really can change your life...
Introducing Copy Paste Systems...

Dear Friend,
If you think the above claims sound like more of what the "gurus" show you, you're right...
With one exception, these results are achievable and easier than you think.
In fact, we have spent hundreds of hours in research to dig out these diamonds in the rough that generate money day in and day out. Even during an economic down turn and holidays, just like clockwork. Tick tock ...Tick Tock...
These exact profit pulling campaigns we are giving you today have generated thousands of dollars in affiliate sales in the past few months. No kidding (see the proof on this page)!
We will prove it to you... By the time you leave this page, you will see how our ready-made campaigns can make money for you even if you are a total newbie, unmotivatedlazy, and lack direction.
We are giving away the "secret sauce" if you may...
You will get access to everything - the softwarethe exact ads, the keywords, the landing pages and the "secret" money magnets that pull hundreds of visitors to your site for less than one cent / click.
Note: Our systems does not involve common strategies such as article marketing, google adwords and other run-of-the-mill strategies and tactics. What you will learn will blow your mind!
FOUR "easy to follow steps" to replicate our phenomenal results...
In just few easy steps you can penetrate niche markets you never knew existed, drive hoards of targeted traffic for pennies or less, and make sales for any product you choose at will without needing a massive email list...
In fact, you don't even need marketing or html experience to replicate these results..
Watch this *SHOCKING* unedited footage of some of our profit pulling accounts...

FREE Video - 
Watch us login to some of our profit pulling account LIVE.

Here are some hardcore facts 90% of the people tend to ignore ...
"Every 4 out of 5 people online fail to succeed."
Because they do not follow the "simple" patterns that the gurus and online success stories have discovered.
Almost always, the "newbies" and less experienced marketers get carried away with information overload...
Sorting through the clutter many marketers forget or in some cases lose focus of the "proven money makers" that generate money every day...
What most of us need is "ready made systems" that give us the fish rather than the pole to catch the fish.
We all need someone to hold us by the hand to show us the exact laser targeted systems that are proven to work...
The incredible opportunity knocking at your door today does just that - we give away everything, the naked TRUTH. Nothing more, nothing less!
No fluff, No half measures, No more lies...
What you see is what you get!
Imagine what some additional disposable income each month can do for you...
"End to financial problems" - put an end to all money worries, provide abundance for your family, and secure your financial future...
"You get the free time you want" - Work less and earn more. Send more time on the things that matter the most, pamper yourself to some relaxation and rest at last...
"Pay bills with EASE" - You no longer owe anyone anything, be in total control every day, round the year!
"Work from anywhere" - no more constrain to the smelly cubicles, or the stressful office environment. Work from the comfort of your home, right from your bed!
"Work at your own pace" - no more deadlines. Simple and easy!
I understand that you see claims like these all the time. But wait and think for a minute. If I am wrong all you will loose is a couple of hours of your time...
But what if I am right?

See what our private coaching members had to say about just ONE of our systems...
The truth is I have created and sold several best selling software online since the past three years...
Every time I launch a software, promote a course to my members or communicate with the students of my private coaching program I get asked the same question again and again...
"Paul, please show me the exact systems that you use to make money. Don't give me the tools or resources that may or may not make me money..."
This changed the way I looked at things...
At first like any other normal individual I was hesitant to share my "best" campaigns and systems with the public because I thought they may become over-used and obsolete.
Then one day, I decided to share one of my most profitable strategies with a group of 57 coaching students.
After a few weeks, to my surprise, not only did my coaching students make money by using my proven campaigns, they developed their "own" variation of my campaign. To my surprise the competition did not increase as much as I expected.
Two things happened here...
1) My coaching students sent me lot of positive feedback, referred their friends to the coaching program, and most importantly bought my other products. - I made more money!(yes, I said it)
2) The niche markets I revealed to these 57 individuals became more popular as the number of affiliates and the demand for that exact niche product increasedTherefore, my already profitable niche markets became more profitable!
I decided then that it is a "win-win" situation to reveal to the world the "best of the best" strategies to the world...
Thus, you are presented with this incredible limited time opportunity today.
Here Are Some "Raving Reviews" and Private "Blog Posts" In Response To Just ONE Of The Many Profit-pulling Systems You Are
Getting Access To Today!
Here is what is included in the powerful Copy Paste Systems package...

Tired of Google slaps and bans? FORGET GOOGLE!
Jump in and take advantage of this never seen before system that is already becoming the #1 traffic source online.
According to Facebook is the most visited site in the universe!
Now you can take advantage of their brand new advertising system and generate traffic and sales!
This system does not require a web site or technical experience!
Just copy our ad's, create your own in a few simple stems and generate massive paydays!
In this module we expose...
SIX massive profit pulling campaigns you can instantly copy and profit!
Multiple Mesmerizing "click magnet" ads written by a copy writer!
Three to FOUR variations of each ad for every single campaign!
Copy our cash churning ad's and create your own in few easy steps and generate massive paydays!

Laughable, weird, obscure CPA offers that generate hundreds of dollars a week will be handed to you on a silver platter!
The "campaigns" we hand your are like diamonds in the rough - Low in competition and high in profits. A perfect mix.
Not only can you copy and profit from our campaigns but you will also be able to model and develop your very own profit pulling sales funnels in just hours!
You will get access to...
THREE of our most profitable campaigns - instantly copy and apply our "unique" traffic generation strategies to generate cash on demand.
Our exact ads that are "proven" money machines - copy and paste the exact ads we give you!
Our "non-Google" Secret Traffic Sources - advertise for 1 cent or less without having to worry about google slaps.
We give everything away. You will soon see how easy it can be to develop your very own campaigns that generate money on demand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

"Advertise Your Affiliate Links, Websites on Celebrity Blog's and
Popular Web sites for Just Pennies!"

Imagine A MILLION+ impressions for pennies.
A "credit card in their hand" targeted buyer traffic that you can drive to any page at will.
Until now this traffic sales funnel strategy was a "hidden secret"... you can just "copy" the exact system to drive unstoppable traffic to any page and convert simple offers into MEGA sales busters.
Not to mention... you can use this stampede of traffic to build your list mailing list!
THREE blockbuster profit pulling campaigns you can instantly copy and profit!
Complete over the shoulder video training - Every click, every move recorded on cam!
Exact laser targeted keywords that pull in the moneypaydays!
Just follow everything we show you and enter the exact text we give you in a couple of boxes and upload a picture!
You are all set up in minutes.

Love Google....? Don't want to move away from it?
If you are tired of Google slaps and bans, we have a copy paste solution that can instantly sky rocket your CTR (click-through-rates), increase your quality score and maximize your profits two folds!
This "never seen before" system will get you high quality scores,
high CTR (click through rates) and conversions with no stress!
For the first time ever give Google what it wants and reap easy profit!
In this never seen before "unique" systems package we reveal...
TEN hot campaigns that are ever green - These explosive generate money even during economic down turn
Google friendly landing pages - Sparkling new FTC compliant "proven" conversion busters that will not only expand your leads but also pre sell the product to your web site visitor.
Video walk through that reveals all - no more guessing, the setup process is shown to you live so you can get started in minutes!
We have done all the hard work for you. You just click a few buttons and you are done!
Yes it is that easy....!
Still not convinced?... See what you get in the members area...

Don't forget...this is only the icing on the cake... We could go all day listing the incredible amount of fast-action bonuses you will receive.
Inside the bonuses area you will find additional bonuses worth over $2191. But the bonuses are extremely limited and may be removed at any time.
This "system" is one of our secret weapons.
When ever we revealed this system to the public we received some incredible feedback.
Note: To profit from this system you do not need a product, a web site, any seo, ppv, ppc or any other popular strategy you come across these days.
This system is a 100% newbie friendly and makes money every time.
You have to see it to believe it! It's simple, it's easy and more...
We will show you "everything" so you can get started in minutes and get your first sale within hours!
Here is a simple, yet powerful screen shot that shows how we receive sales every single day!
This is not some income from product launch or anything like that. I sell all my products through clickbank.
The amount represented below is pure profits generated from various affiliate programs and sales through this strategy....

We guarantee that you have not seen this anywhere before! 
Start profiting from this system today in four easy steps:

Now you can instantly capture the attention of your prospects to build your mailing list in any niche market and maximize your sales with these sparkling new powerful video squeeze pages!

Here is the real world value to create these templates individually...
Eye popping Graphics- $97 / squeeze page
Compelling Copy Writing - $47 / squeeze page
Niche Research - Priceless ...The money is not in the squeeze pages but in the "proven" profitable campaigns!
It would cost you a pile of cash to get these squeeze pages created, but we are giving them away FREE if you order today!
With this much value you can never go wrong...
Opportunities like these don't come often. You may have seen and purchased ebooks, video courses, software in the past.
But a complete "proven to work" systems in a box. Packed with everything you need to start making money today... that's something you need right now!

Enough is Enough!...

Put A FULL STOP To Much Hyped courses that sell for hundreds and thousands of dollars...Too many programs and courses that fail to deliver...Too much "guru" B. S. that seems good in theory but is too hard to replicate!
The wisest man I ever knew told me something I never forget - "Most people are busy earning a living to make any money."
Don't take as long as I did to find out what is right and what works!
I'll prove it to you, if you invest in this package today. I am not asking you to "believe" me.Just try it out risk free for 60 days. If I'm wrong, all you've lost is a couple of hours...
But what if I am right?
Stop wasting time and cutcopy and paste your way to success today!
Say YES to success...

I know that I test out the complete package for 60 days. If I'm not completely satisfied with my purchase, I'm protected by your 100% risk free money back guarantee!

EXREMELY LIMITED OFFER - Get the Copy Paste Systems Package and all the bonuses at a massive $420 Off
The Regular Price!

Download This Breakthrough Copy Paste Systems Package and All The Bonuses Now For Only $497 $297 $197 $77!

Simply click the "ADD TO CART" below to checkout and download the complete package ...

Order processed online through Secure SSL Servers!

After your purchase, you will get instant access to the download area

P. S. This never seen before cutting edge money pulling system is your roadmap to build massive paydays on demand instantly! Claim your copy today. You have 60 days to test-drive this innovative package, if you are not completely satisfied, you will receive a full, no questions asked refund.
P.P.S. If you order in the next 24 hours you will get bonuses worth over $2191 for absolutely FREE
P.P.S. Forget the P. S. claim your copy before the special launch discount offer expires!
Note: The fast action bonuses worth over $2191 may expire any minute!
To Your Success,
Paul Ponna & Sidd Ponna
Congratulations! You Are Now On Your Way To Becoming The
Internet Marketing Elite!
It is about time you get what you want to achieve. Just a few simple 'copy and paste' strategies along with Copy Paste Systems will make your dreams a reality!
Do not hesitate any further. I am giving you a full 60 days to test our cut and paste, easy to follow systems , the risk is on us.
Imagine the possibilities, once you start earning the income and achieving the results you always desired... you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Act now before the early-bird offer expires...
"Copy Paste and Profit From Our Ready Made Campaigns Today!"

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